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Antonio Velez Celemin

Celemín is a Spanish artist known internationally for his unique style and approach to marbling characterized by his bold use of color. He teaches watercolor marbling extensively in Europe and also taught a workshop at the Morgan in May. 


From his bindery and studio in Madrid, Celemín strives to perfect the science and aesthetics of marbling. He has made an extensive study of the history of marbling in the book El Marmoleado: del paper de guardas a la obra de arte. Celemín specializes in recreating historic patterns while experimenting to create incredible works of marbled art. 


COLOR WAVES is a striking exhibition curated by Celemín that will be on view at the Morgan May 4-26. It features a collection of his large-scale artwork, collaborations with Luciene Fávero, marbled papers by Steve Pittlekow, historic samples, and more. 

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