Dual exhibition:

Antonio Vélez Celemín

Antonio Vélez Celemín

Antonio Vélez Celemín

Antonio Vélez Celemín
ON VIEW: Fri, May 4 – Sat, May 26, 2018
OPENING RECEPTION: Fri, May 4 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Featuring marbled artwork by international artists
2018 Artist-in-Residence, Antonio Vélez Celemín is a master marbler, and curator of COLOR WAVES. He is a Spanish artist known internationally for his unique style and approach to marbling. From his bindery and studio in Madrid, Celemín strives to perfect the science and aesthetics of this art form. He has specialized in recreating historic patterns while experimenting to create incredible works of marbled art. The exhibition features a collection of Celemín’s large-scale artwork, collaborations with Luciene Fávero, marbled papers by Stephen Pittelkow, historic samples, and more.
Know How (Part I.)
Summer Workshop Instructors Exhibition
Featuring art by Alicia Bailey, Jean Buescher Bartlett, Tony Carlone, Kerri Cushman, Julie McLaughlin, Wendy Partridge, Maria Pisano, Amy Richard, Ellen Sheffield, and Jessica Spring.
Know How provides insight into the expression, inspiration, and unique skill sets of the artists and educators teaching workshops at the Morgan this summer. This is the first installment of a rotating three-part exhibition featuring works in papermaking, printing, bookbinding, book arts, and mixed techniques.