Fran Kovac

Another Love Letter
Dimensions: approximately 6"x11.5"x3/8"
Mixed media: Sumi ink, gouche, goatskin, RivesBFK and Arches paper, gold foil, bookboard
Fran Kovac is both a student and a teacher of bookbinding, and uses all the curiosity required of both in her private practice in Cleveland, Ohio. She has been teaching bookbinding since 2009 at the Morgan Conservatory in Cleveland, Ohio, and at Hollander’s in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Fran brings her interest in the re-creation of historic bindings into the classes she teaches, and has been privileged to study bookbinding with Pamela Spitzmueller, Hedi Kyle, Jim Croft, Julia Miller, and Shanna Leino, among many others. Working in wood and metal, she often adapts historic binding structures to contemporary applications, and occasionally gives contemporary bindings an historic twist.