The Papermaking Studio at the Morgan Conservatory is outfitted for a range of eastern papers as well as western papermaking techniques. There is a sound-proof beater room for beating western fibers in hollander beaters, as well as a naginata for separating longer eastern fibers.
• 2 lb. and 3 lb. beaters
• Naginata beater by David Reina for Asian fibers
• Small Lee S. McDonald 12-Ton Hydraulic Press
• 3-Large format Hydraulic Presses (33” x 24” to 36” x 48”)
• 9”x 12” and 19”x 24” Jim Elling Dryboxes
• 24”x 37” and 60”x40” Morgan Dryboxes
• 3 Sizes, Plastic Vats (35” x 24” to 19” x 24”)
• Large Wooden vats (51” x 41” and 41” x 33”)
• Felts and Pellons
• Student grade Sugetas with netting
• Wove and Laid Moulds (25”x 20” to 6” x 3”)
• Pulp sprayer
• Vacuum table measuring 8’ x 4’ approx.
• Stencils, squeeze bottles, basters, etc. for pulp painting
• Blotters and drying rack for drying
• Pigments and Additives