Sat, Jun 18
Coptic Stitch and French Link Bookbinding
Date + Time
Jun 18, 2022, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cleveland, 1754 E 47th St, Cleveland, OH 44103, USA
This full day workshop will explore the basic structure of Coptic Stitch and French Link bookbinding. Each student will learn to make a one-of-a-kind handmade book for each structure. This class will cover the use of specific materials, as well as tips on craftsmanship and production. Coptic Stitching is one of the most popular and accessible forms of bookbinding. This binding method is one of the easier forms of binding that will help in the production of other stitching methods. This class will cover single needle and multiple needle approaches.
Instructor Bio:
Jenniffer Omaitz is the owner of JC Marbling a small marbling and book arts studio in Kent, Ohio. She is also known for her Installations and Paintings and sculptural installations shown throughout the Midwest region. She currently teaches at Kent State University, University of Akron, and Praxis Fiber Workshop.
Student Supply List:
PVA Glue
Awl (or needle or nail)
Decorative Paper
X-Acto Knife
Metal Ruler
Cutting Surface (cutting mat, old magazine, heavy board etc)
Snack or beverage for break
Curved needle or “L” shaped needle