Sat, Apr 23
The Accordion Variations: 3 Basic Book Structures
The common accordion book structure takes on new life with variations useful to book artists and bookbinders alike.
Date + Time
Apr 23, 2022, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cleveland, 1754 E 47th St, Cleveland, OH 44103, USA
In the morning portion, we will make a triangle accordion, as well as a sewn book with an accordion spine. The afternoon will be devoted to incorporating cutwork, collage, drawing, and other techniques into the structure to make a unique artist’s book. Numerous techniques will be demonstrated and models will be available for inspection. Bring your favorite collage materials, drawing or lettering pens, and your imagination, and join in the fun. No experience is necessary.
Instructor bio:
Fran Kovac is a bookbinder in private practice in Cleveland and has modeled book bindings that stretch from the 4th Century C.E. to the 20th. Working often with wood and metal, she adapts historic binding structures to contemporary applications. Fran has studied bookbinding with Pamela Spitzmueller, Hedi Kyle, Jim Croft, Julia Miller, Dan Essig, and Shanna Leino, among many others.
Cutting mat (optional)
metal straight edge / ruler (optional)
thin awl
break off knife or scalpel
right-angle triangle, small to medium
straight needle (#1 or #3 darner recommended)
bone folder / teflon folder
glue brushes (medium and small) (optional)
Japanese screw punch with bits, if they already own one.
½ “ brass rule, if they already own one
Collage materials and decorative papers, if you wish.