Nicole Donnely

Tammy Wofsey
I am a one-woman printmaker, publisher, artist and teaching artist located in The Bronx, New York.
I create handprinted limited editioned prints and artist’s books.
Artist Statement
I love paper, books and printmaking in all forms. I imagine the worst part of not being alive will be, not touching and seeing material in all its tactile beauty. I make artist books using my type setting press and linocut prints using my etching presses. Paper is the connector that makes all of my work become color and light. I grew up in Colorado; I never saw the ocean until I went to art college in New York at SUNY Purchase. My understanding of what water can create is a discovery of all the shades of green that can grow when there are generous amounts of east coast rain. I spent many years learning to hone my artistic skills from fellow printmaking artist at the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop. I later went on to set up my own printshop in the Bronx called Plotzing Press. My work evolves with each print and artist book that propels me forward. I learn through each step of the process, bursting at the seams with passion for what I can make. Reading and research are intrinsic to the process of my making art. Part of my printmaking practice is as a teaching artist. I want my artwork to be imbedded in the borough where I live and work. I teach printmaking outdoors. I use a retro-fitted washer press I have
devised for this purpose that can be transported on my bicycle trailer. Additionally, I feel it is important to give printmaking workshops to multi-generational participants so that all levels of life experience can be shared with one another. All of that connects my art to the community in which I live.