Built to Last

Broken Window

As Above So Below

Built to Last
ON VIEW: Fri, March 29 – Sat, April 27, 2019
OPENING RECEPTION: Fri, March 29 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Featuring art by Jennifer Adams, Miguel Aragon, Katherine Burdine, Maria Carolina Ceballos, Suzanne Chouteau, Susie Cobbledick, Sharon Cohen, Sharon Cohen, Shyvonne Coleman, Hadley Conner, Gene Epstein, Isabel Farnsworth, Noah Gfell, JoAnn Giordano, Joyce Gold, Annalise Gratovich, Annalise Gratovich, Iris Grimm, Bob Herbst, Nicholas Hill, Dina Hoeynck, Jennifer Hoskins, Gretchen Durst Jacobs, Bob Kelemen, Micah Kraus, Elizabeth Lide, Amy Lynn Lund, Amy Lynn Lund, Janet Marsano, William Mathie, Kimberly McCarthy, Raphaela McCormack, Mary Kate McTeigue, Saul Melman, Jenene Nagy, Thomas Norulak, Ashley Pastore, Erin Paulson, James Peake, Jill Powers, Erica Spitzer Rasmussen, Amy Richard, Anne S. Rogers, Savannah Saliby, Richard Shipps, Jillian Sico, Valerie Simonelli, Corrie Slawson, Andrew Spradlin, Eric Standley, Marjorie Tomchuk, Kristen Tordella-Williams, Christina Turner, Susan Twining, Lauren Webster, Virginia Yazbeck, Megan Young & Angela Davis Fegan with Community Participants.
View the Juror's Statement and Award Winners here.
National Juried Exhibition 2019
The Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Educational Foundation is proud to present our seventh annual and third National Juried Exhibition.
The invention of paper contributed greatly to the rise of literacy and art around the world. For the past 2000 years, paper has evolved in a multitude of directions. It continues to inspire and impact almost every aspect of our lives. The artwork in this exhibition celebrates paper’s versatility as a medium and represents a selection of innovative and visually striking approaches by contemporary artists.
The jurors had an incredibly difficult time selecting the works due to such high quality of submissions. This year, we received a record breaking 587 submissions from 320 talented artists living in 37 states. The exhibition features 61 works by 54 artists in handmade paper, bookbinding, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.
We’d like to extend our gratitude to all of the artists who participated. This was our most competitive exhibition to date and it wouldn’t be possible without your submissions and boundless creativity!
We’d also like a give a big thank you to this year’s jurors for their tenacity and curatorial vision.
Karl Anderson
Project Coordinator,
SPACES Gallery
Andrea Gyorody
Assistant Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art
Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College
Opening Reception: Friday, March 29
Members only preview: 5:00 pm
General admission: 6:00-9:00 pm
Award winners will be announced at 7:30 pm
Hit the dance floor with music by DJ White Rims, appetizers & beverages!
This event is free + open to all
(not required for attendance)
Secure Parking:
Our East 45th Street 'Garden' Entrance
(one way running South between Payne & Commerce)