Summer Fun At The Morgan!
Updated: May 10, 2022
We are gearing up for an exciting summer here at The Morgan! Our newly announced

summer season will begin at the end of this month, and also taking place this month is the return of our Open House! Our Open House: Make & Take will take place on Saturday, May 14th, from 11 am until 4 pm. This is a day where all of our studios will be open and running with artists and demos to engage you and our Cleveland community. Featured studios include; Papermaking, Marbling, Letterpress/Printmaking, Bindery/Book Binding, and Large Deckle Box in the Garden. You will have the opportunity to go around to every studio and create art FOR FREE! This is an all-day event, so please stay as long as you like, and finish your day with either lunch or dinner in one of Asia Town’s fabulous restaurants.
Our summer workshop season also just launched, and we will have a workshop running almost every weekend throughout the summer! Busy times ahead, but we could not be more excited to host new and returning workshops for the 2022 season. Including; Suminagashi: Japanese marbling, Japanese papermaking, wood engraving, paper casting, and Notan: The Dark and Light Principle. Early registration is on now, through May 16th! Every workshop is discounted 10%, with prices rising back up after the 16th. Joining our membership program gives you the opportunity to receive 10% off all workshops throughout the year, with no deadline. If you are interested in more information about pricing, you can visit our website here.
Before our 2020/21 Artist-In-Residence exhibition opens on May 20th, our galleries are packed with prints and paper made by Cleveland students throughout our community in partnership with our Plant to Paper program. The series focuses on the entire papermaking process from start to finish— education on fiber choices, harvesting and processing fibers, and pulling paper. Developing community relationships through fiber collection, learning each step of the papermaking process, establishing the Morgan as an available resource, and creating exhibition-ready works will equip participants with every tool to continue their artistic practices. Establishing papermaking as an accessible art form in Cleveland communities creates a strong foundation for the growth and exploration of all creative techniques. The student works are now on view in our gallery and will continue to be exhibited through the following week. Our gallery hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm.
After years of uncertainty and separation, we can’t wait for an exciting and busy summer at the Morgan. We ask our guests to continue wearing masks and social distance if they feel inclined; however, our facility no longer requires masks for entry throughout the summer. Stay up to date with us on social media and sign up for our email newsletters.